AHT - Support Thiết Bị
Task Task
Begin typing to find and create labels or press down to select a suggested label.

Choose an epic to assign this issue to.


Jira Software sprint field

Select a date
Use the d/MMM/yy date format
(eg. 3w 4d 12h)
The original estimate of how much work is involved in resolving this issue.
(eg. 3w 4d 12h)
An estimate of how much work remains until this issue will be resolved.
Select a date

Start date field used by SoftwarePlant plugins

- Use the d/MMM/yy date format

For example operating system, software platform and/or hardware specifications (include as appropriate for the issue).

Tested By Tester

<Nhập Solution/ mô tả cách làm tại đây>

Note solution and bitbucket commit

Do not delete. Automatically created and managed by Multiple Checklists for Jira

Project Milestone

PM làm việc vs các Leaders để đánh giá độ khó của công việc

Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select.

Not Overdue

Begin typing to find and create labels or press down to select a suggested label.

Input relevant module/ screen infor of the ticket


estimate time to completed task

Please select a person who will review the code for this project.